This file is part of EC-CUBE
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{% form_theme form 'Form/form_div_layout.twig' %}
<div class="ec-headerSearch">
<form method="get" class="searchform" action="{{ path('product_list') }}">
<div class="ec-headerSearch__category">
<div class="ec-select ec-select_search">
{{ form_widget(form.category_id, {'id': null, 'attr': {'class': 'category_id'}}) }}
<div class="ec-headerSearch__keyword">
<div class="ec-input">
{{ form_widget(form.name, {'id': null, 'attr': {'class': 'search-name', 'placeholder' : 'キーワードを入力' }} ) }}
<button class="ec-headerSearch__keywordBtn" type="submit">
<div class="ec-icon">
<img src="{{ asset('assets/icon/tp_search.svg') }}" alt="">